If for whatever reason the item arrives damaged or faulty, we will arrange collection of this and a replacement will be sent out free of charge.
Alternatively, if you wish to receive a full refund and a return of the items we can also arrange this for you.
Any damage on an item must be brought to our attention within 7 days of receipt. You must advise us of any items that are missing within 14 days of when you expected to receive them.
Returns are accepted within 30 days of receiving your order. If an item is damaged/faulty we may require images of this to be assessed by one of our team to see if we can help.
Unfortunately after 30 days we cannot accept returns for a full refund, however we can arrange to have a replacement piece sent out to you should your product be received in a damaged/faulty condition. If the product is not damaged or faulty and you wish to return a set after 30 days unfortunately this is not possible.
Please note returns cannot be accepted without the original packaging for the items so please make sure you inspect the items before throwing the packaging away.
If we have been unable to resolve your problem for you or if you simply want to return the items a refund will be processed as soon as the items are received back with us (typically two to three working days).
For full returns terms and conditions see our returns pages.
Furniturebox Website: https://www.furniturebox.co.uk/